Say it Ain’t SEW!

Had I known just how valuable those stitching techniques I was supposed to be learning in Seventh Grade Home Ec were going to be— I’d have definitely paid more attention.

After losing a significant amount of flab, you’re gonna need some new clothes. Don’t bother trying to take up or cinch in your jeans, bras, or undies – some things just cannot be DIY’d to the point of comfort. And no one wants embarrassing “And that’s the time I unintentionally mooned a family of eight in the Walmart produce section” stories to add to their collection. But you can easily add darts to your shirts, take up the shoulders in your tanks, and add a few concealed pleats to your favorite pair of black dress pants.

I just spent an hour hand stitching the sides and shoulders of a dress I bought a few months back and never wore. And now it’s too big.
But with some careful planning I was able to turn my XXL dress into a Large (plus)!

So get on youTube and start honing those skills, lest you end up broke or, worse, on the pages of!